Withdraw Procedures

A student who does not meet satisfactory academic progress and wishes to withdraw from the program must follow the withdrawal procedures described below:

A student who wishes to officially withdraw from the university must notify the Program Dean in writing by email or nationally recognized overnight courier service or by certified mail, return receipt requested. Notification to an instructor does not constitute official notification. Tuition balances owed to MOISE COLLEGE OF HEALTH SCIENCE after withdrawal computations have been made must be paid by the student. Students who stop participating in online courses will be withdrawn within the timeframe specified in this catalog under Standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress (Quantitative Participation).

Official withdrawal from the component, no credit earned. If a student’s last date of attendance is at the 20% point of attendance of a component, they will receive a grade of F. If a student’s last date of attendance is before the 20% point of attendance of component, they will receive a grade of W.

Incomplete Grades

If a student does not complete the required work of a component that is in progress the student may receive a grade of incomplete progress (IP). The method and time for the completion of the work must be agreed upon, in writing, by the student and the instructor. IP work not completed by the end of the agreed-upon time period will automatically change to a grade of F. No time frame shall exceed a period of four weeks into the next semester.

Repeating aa Course
Students must repeat any component in which a passing grade is not earned. Students must repeat a failed component at a time designated by MOISE COLLEGE OF HEALTH SCIENCE, at its discretion. The University requires that a component be repeated in the requisite order of programming.

A student may repeat a component twice and only the grade of the repeated component is considered in the computation of the student’s GPA and credited toward graduation requirements.

Non-Credit & Remedial Courses
MOISE COLLEGE OF HEALTH SCIENCE does not offer non-credit or remedial courses.

Leave of Absence Policy

Any student may be granted a Leave of Absence (LOA) for legitimate emergencies. Generally, only one LOA shall be granted in a 12-month period. Students are permitted to request an LOA at the end of the semester/payment period/course. In the event of an emergency, a student may request a leave of absence not to exceed 180 consecutive days. Any such request must be made in the following manner:

  1. In the Leaming Management System under the “Student Resources” Tab the student will find the Leave of Absence Form. This form must be completed.
  2. A letter written and signed by the student must be addressed to the corresponding department head explaining the request for the leave of absence. This request must specify the date the leave must begin and the date of anticipated return.
  3. The LOA Letter should include any documentation substantiating the claim and reason why the leave is necessary.
  4. The corresponding department head will decide if the Leave of Absence request has merit and grant the leave based on the information provided by the student. The department head will notify faculty and staff of the LOA status of the student.

Upon the date of anticipated return, if the student does not log in by midnight to the LMS to begin the course work they are eligible to attend at that time, they will be terminated from their program of study.